Sunday, April 22, 2012

Dean's Award (picca)

Majlis Anugerah Dekan, UiTM Bandaraya Melaka
Dewan Seri Negeri, Ayer Keroh, Melaka

With Sir Amir..!!

Kanak-kanak Ribena walaupun msg2 da layak kahwin punn...   J


~ Seronok bile dapat pakai selempang tue...Now, aim for the PINK selempang (ANC), InshaAllah ~

Ade gaya macam Miss World x..??? hehehe

Hadiah tok Best Student...
** Book Voucher that worth RM100 to be redeem at YESMART

Tahniah kawan2 ku semua..!!
Keep up the good work..!!

Till then, Bubye..!!!

I'm Back..!!!

Dah lame gler rasenyer x update blog nih... sorry sgt2 since SS sibuk gler ngan study skang nie.. Now, im in the last semester b4 my intern.. So, beside being busy with the campus life, i also need to look around any opportunity of internship.. Jika ada sesape yg ade luang2 tok sy buat internship, sila bgtaw yerrr..

Actually, there's a lot of things that I wanna share.. Ehm, where should i start eaaa... Oke, juz follow the list laaa, since a lot of thing to be share.

1) Apartment Yayasan Melaka
** nie lah tmpat SS berteduh dri segala hujan, panas, ribut, petir semasa di Melaka... I have to pay around RM740 per semester.. Mahal kannn... but, what to do.. dah xde pilihan lain.. Since this AYM is the nearest place to KBM..Benda yg SS nak share ialah, the facilities provided here is not equivalent with the amount paid to them.. WHY??? Sebab barang2 dalam rumah, sekejap jer cepat rosak.. Plus, juz imagine, kalo korg duduk mane2 apartment pun laaa kann, korg kna bayar ke tok petak parking.. UNREASONABLE..
ni nak komplen sikit ni haa, dah la 2 tgkp bilik SS x leh nk bukak.. pastu siap lantai bilik boleh retak... bayangkan lah SS yg duduk tgkt 11 nie, kalo lantai SS ttbe retak and roboh trus cmne..?? Sbb bhg retak tue da sampai blubang besar kottt.. dah pegy adu dkt mgt, tp xde tindakan punnn.. So, I hope that this AYM will improve its mgt and service...
~P/S ::: mgt staff pun a little bit kerek.. ello, we are ur customer.. u should treat us better, oke....

2) Rumahku Terbang..!!!
** haaaa..!! terkejut x bace statement ats nih.. yup, its true... Last 2 weeks, kawasan prumahan SS dilanda ribut yg mnyebabkan atap rumah kami semuanya berterbangan... yg lagi sedih bile, rumah SS time tue bole nampak langit dengan jelas, since da xde bumbung...SEDIH.. then, nak buat camne..Ini sume dah ketentuanNya.. kalo benda da nak jadi, kte xleh nak elak jugak kannn.. Redha dengan segala musibah.. habis jugak la hancur bilik atas.. dan the best part is, my room xkna pun hujan angin tue.. Fuhhh, selamat...
Now, umah SS dah siap baiki dah and it quite costly... Rumah terbang, duit pun terbang..!!!

3) My Campus Life..
** this sem busy nyer mngalahkan student Master kottt... byk btol bnda nak kna buat.. Plus, lcturer plak jnis suke bg asgnment skali byk2 kann.. Adoiiii.. Tapi sem nie, ramai yg mrungut dgn lecturer subjek 'Strategic Management' yakni "Ms. A".. hahaha.. xleh laaa nak bgtau name sebenar lectrr tu kan.. Ms A nie lectrr baru and she's really nerd.. everything must follow in her order.. and ramai yg kurang suke jugak laaa dgn cara Ms A nie...Wateva it is, sape pun lectrr kite, xkira tua atau muda, we should respect him/her... Baru lah keberkatan utk blajar tue ade...

4) Dean's Award
** 19/4; I attend to the Dean's Award Ceremony at Dewan Seri Negeri, Ayer Keroh... im  just a simple girl who wear just a simple kurung.. I dont  have any intention of being vogue in such a formal ceremony, unless la its required me to do so... At first, SS cume ingt juz attend tok amik sijil dekan jer.. BUT, unexpectedly I was announced as 'Best Student' for Finance.. Ya Allah, terkejotnyer time tueee... Xpenah lgsg terlintas nak naik pentas 2 kali.. Rezeki Allah nk bagi.. And Im grateful that I was awarded with this gift by Him.. Mase naik pentas tok kali kedua, JUJUR SS MENANGIS time tue...WHY?? Bcoz I do really want my mom and especially my lovely abah to see me at that time.. Mak, Abah; thanx for bring me into this world... And InshaAllah, i'll be the best daughter possible for both of u.. Mom, im all grown up now, and I'd like to put a smile on ur face everyday... Thanx Ya Rabb...

With Love,

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